Friday, 19 October 2018

Blog from Week 1 and Lab 1 (19/9/18)...Part 1

Part 1:

1 & 2

Blog and Twitter Account:

I created the Blig and followed dt265 on Twitter, this will allow me update what I have been doing and noting as I progress through the Module.


a. Creativebloq article:

This article outlines the three basic structures involved in web site design:

Wireframing: The least complicated of the process (hopefully). This allows the basic visual structure of the site to be laid out in a block format, using a number of tools:

  • Observation 1: In a practical team sense, this may or may not be helpful if you are using the sketch pad approach, (the software approach may be best) sharing common thoughts may be a problem. Alternatively, if a team is involved, it is a good opportunity to brainstorm ideas, by getting everyone together. It is also a simple means to storyboard the ideas to a client one on one.

Mock ups and Prototypes:

  • Observation 2: It appears from the article that there is no unique "best" approach. It would appear that the complexity of the end product should dictate the approach to WF/MU/Prototype and how they can be used. If it was a site that was aimed at an end user in general user sphere (Retail/Ecomm), I would use all three, emphasising usability and clarity in particular.

This site also a long time to load, with a never ending list of ads and a lot of sponsored ads!

b. Web Developer article.

This article listed 10 common mistakes made by developers. The article is well laid out but I think assumes a certain amount of experience already.

  • Observation 1: As a beginner in coding, the most obvious mistake I would have made at this stage would have been the compatability between browsers during design. I would definitely keep an eye on this issue during design, using the tools mentioned.

  • Observation 2: Time is money. As a commercial site, there has to be a balance between time spent coding, cost, and the end result. This is the same in all areas of Engineering. This would indicate to me the importance of a good initial plan at the very beginning, divide time wisely between, design, coding and testing. I learned there are lots of potential mistakes that I would have been otherwise unaware of.


a. I chose Omnigraffle as my Search Term on Twitter.

Suffice to say. I was brought to the company's own Twitter feed, I immediately left Twitter to go straight to their web site for more information on their software.

I quickly learned that OG can be used for numerous design and structure functions, as well as web site structure design.

It allows users, within groups or not, to use multiple shapes, designs, layers  and text to come up with a working flow chart type diagram. I did not download a copy trial version, but it appears to be relatively straightforward, and the site is clear and well laid out itself.

b. As a beginner at this stage, I chose to follow;

  • @goodwebdesign, hoping to learn some web site tips from this account
  • @paddycosgrave, to keep up to date on general web news, Web Summit.
  • @thebeeests, for more UI information

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